Wednesday, July 18, 2007

blue skies in paradise

Greetings from the Hill

Back from the dead,
heart attacks are for

Mad Jack returned from
with no passport,
dumbasshole foriegner.

The old trout is still here,
talking to the iquana..
fucking thing ate my pet,
"Tiger tiger burning bright,
dead... forever."


The oldtrout was noising
the way irritants do,
grasping on to a memory
dreaming for a dream.

"It's all fucking bullshit,"
growls the madone tired
from the beer, the pot and
'the trout in the milk pond'

The parlor silent,
the classics without sound,
television timed out,
Jake out of pot.

The oldman popped
the last pint
and indian played her flute
on the porch.

High priced Art
and lowpriced Labor.


kamama said...

Well now ,,, whats this ,,, mad jack is back
didnt know he left .

kamama said...

Well now ,,, whats this ,,, mad jack is back
didnt know he left .

kamama said...

cafe is on the counter